Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 14 - BTWG "Autumn is here"

Another week of BTWG is over and still feeling good although I spent most of the day in bed talking to friends in the UK. Went for a long run - well long for me - and it was very hard work. I think I just started out too fast and wasn't wearing ideal clothing but made it home in good time. I had to pace myself by "target" running or I'm not sure I would have got home without walking back - not very motivational. It was also quite chilly - I may need gloves in a month or so!! I'm determined to run outside for as long as I can - it's so much better than running on a running machine. We'll see.

I can't believe 2 weeks are up already - it seems like only last week I started all this! The running is getting "emotionally" easier - less worried about how I look and more focused on the right posture to prevent pain. I still haven't managed to extend my running - I'm hoping this will come in time i.e. next week ; )) No hurry!!!!

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