Friday, October 23, 2009

Day 25 - BTWG "Week 4 blues!"

Not sure I dig this whole week 4 thing. The slob in me is rejoicing! It has also coincided with a rough week at work - I think I have averaged 4 hours sleep a night this week so far!

Dreading getting on the scales on Sunday : (

I was really looking forward to a run tonight and had to go out quite late as I didn't manage to get out of the office until 7:30 - still it was enjoyable. I keep practicing chi running and I find I have to concentrate on what I'm doing as it's so easy to lapse back into the old running style as I get tired. I'm finally starting to understand the concept of taking smaller steps as I run - not very intuitive but once you get into your stride (or not in this case), it becomes easier. Great evening for running too.

I'm getting better organised with food these days - that's becoming much easier. I have my morning 'grab lunch' routine and oftentimes I make a salad the night before to take into work but my lunch bag seems to be getting bigger and bigger each week as I find I have to eat smaller more frequent meals / snacks. I'm turning into a grazer!

Right now the clock says Day 26 has already begun, the dogs are asleep, the dishwasher's humming, it's peaceful outside and I still have about 3 hours of work to do!!! Hmm think the duvet wins tonight.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Day 21 - BTWG "Every cloud ..."

Wow can't believe 3 weeks are up already. Had a dire week this week both food and exercise. A combination of eating out too much and not doing all the work outs. I think if I could just get into a routine of doing my work outs in the morning I could manage everything else and to be able to do that I need to go to bed earlier. But I don't go to bed earlier because I'm out so late - something has to give I think.

Made my first ever soup today and it was really great - a complete shocker from the only 'chef' that has managed to burn water. I even had enough to freeze for the week. Unfortunately I decided to make a pumpkin soup!! I think I burned more calories getting into it than I consumed. Won't be doing that again in a hurry! I totally understand why jack o' lanterns have that ubiquitous jagged smile.

This week I'm determined to get back on the wagon - I'm feeling physically well and still enjoying the running so there's always a silver lining.

Bring on week 4!

COUNTDOWN: 201 Days to OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Day 14 - BTWG "Autumn is here"

Another week of BTWG is over and still feeling good although I spent most of the day in bed talking to friends in the UK. Went for a long run - well long for me - and it was very hard work. I think I just started out too fast and wasn't wearing ideal clothing but made it home in good time. I had to pace myself by "target" running or I'm not sure I would have got home without walking back - not very motivational. It was also quite chilly - I may need gloves in a month or so!! I'm determined to run outside for as long as I can - it's so much better than running on a running machine. We'll see.

I can't believe 2 weeks are up already - it seems like only last week I started all this! The running is getting "emotionally" easier - less worried about how I look and more focused on the right posture to prevent pain. I still haven't managed to extend my running - I'm hoping this will come in time i.e. next week ; )) No hurry!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Day 11 - BTWG "A Gene Kelly Moment ..."

I woke up today too tired to go for a run so had a well deserved lie in - well lie in until 7 and had a "long" day at work. Was keen to get home and run even though it had been raining all day. Unperturbed, I ventured out at around 8 wearing semi water proof jacket and non water proof ski hat and ran 3 miles around downtown. 1 mile into my run the rain got heavier and heavier so I spent the remainder of the time trying to see through rain splattered and steamed up glasses, and splashing through huge puddles. Not for the faint hearted but good fun all the same.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Day 9 - BTWG ..."Rain stops play?!"

Well this has to go down as the hardest day so far! Couldn't face intervals this morning and was stressing all day about doing them after work with all the rain we had. When I left the office it was getting darker, colder and pretty miserable.

By the time I got home I was pretty much decided that today would be a "nil point" day. But somehow I found myself getting out of my work clothes and into my running gear without really thinking about it - glad I did!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Day 8 - BTWG "Free day proves expensive!!!"

OK so it has been a while since I have reported anything and I've had a few ups and downs. Decided to make Friday my "FREE DAY" as it tends to be a socialising day for me and frankly this Friday I went a tad crazy - in fact enough to cover all my "FREE DAYS" for the next 12 weeks so I have decided that self control is not my strong point and will avoid having too many free days for the rest of the program.
After my Friday indiscretion, including a very late night, my punishment was having to get up early on Saturday morning for yoga. Having managed to get out of bed - feeling somewhat dehydrated - I had a great class which I'll be looking forward to from now on. Then home for a nap, followed by a round of golf and a great healthy dinner.
Sunday was more of the same but included my long run. I decided to run along the canal this week, instead of by the zoo and it was a lovely day although rather mixed weather.
I have just read Chris' blog on running with an iPod and he's sooooo right. I started using one a while ago then stopped and found it to be an immensely positive experience. It really helps me tune into what my body was trying to tell me and typically leads to pain free running.
However this Sunday I thought some music might be nice for my long run and it just about killed me. My sense of rhythm is pretty good so I often find myself running to the music which is a nightmare every time the song changes and I then change my pace. So I end up with no tempo, feel absolutely exhausted as I'm running too fast and suffer lots of aches and pains along the way. There's just no room for music and physical feedback in my runs - on this I confess to only being able to do two things at once: run and listen to me.
In the end I spent about half an hour stretching to loosen off all the tight muscles I'd developed and frankly I felt stiff the rest of the day!
Had a good work out this morning - well if it hadn't been for Dougie (#1 PUP), I would have stayed in bed. The pups have got used to a 6:00am walk and breakfast and today wasn't going to be an exception. I'm glad I did my work out though, felt a lot more virtuous all day - and also didn't have to worry about trying to fit it in this evening. Things seem to be getting a bit easier and I'm having to think less about things which saves time and effort.
Intervals tomorrow!!!
COUNTDOWN: 214 Days to OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon

Friday, October 2, 2009

Day 4 - BTWG "Can't wait for the weekend!"

Had a great work out today - even though the skipping is still posing a problem - I managed to do a few more this time. The sets are getting easier to remember so much faster today. I even had time to make a protein shake and take the dogs on a decent walk all before going to work.

It was another busy day at work but managed to eat well. I'm really starting to get my head around what I am eating - I just need to come up with more alternatives so I don't get bored.

Now I'm at home with more work to do and feeling too tired to continue. Off to meditate methinks and then bed - can't wait for the weekend. I think I shall make Friday my rest day and go for my long run on Saturday morning. I'm already half way through the first week ; ))